1. Complete revision of A House Divided and begin querying various agents.
2. Complete revision of The Interior of Sheridan Price and begin querying various literary magazines.
2a. Figure out if Sheridan Price counts as YA fiction, and if it does, locate literary magazines that don't have that anti-YA stigma attached to all of their submission standards.
3. Enroll in summer literature class, to get it out of the way already.
4. Find part-time job. This reading tutor at Kumon is looking vaugely hopeful. Fingers crossed.
5. Establish adelinecappuccino YouTube channel and create at least some channel contents.
6. Don't flip out. Remain calm. Everything is going to be okay.
Hi, I loved Saturday, your six sentence flash fiction. What is YA?
ReplyDeleteYoung adult, sorry, read your info and answered my own question! Good luck with it all anyway. I'm trying to find a new job to give me more time to write. Let me know how it's going. x